The First Pancake

Have you ever considered the first pancake? It’s the one that comes with all of the appropriate lessons. A test pancake. The one in which you get to see if your consistency is as desired, you test your temperature, size etc. You don’t really expect this pancake to be perfect and you don’t necessarily need it to be, because once you get going you’ll know what needs to be done thereafter.

The first pancake simply needs to be made, the rest will fall into place as needed.

My friends, how many times in life do we get hung up on our ‘first pancake?’

This can be personally, in romantic relationships, parenting and it can also be spiritually and professionally as well. A constricting sense that we have to get it right the first time or else (insert false belief here). I think we all go through this many times and in many different ways but why? Where and why did we come to believe that we couldn’t make mistakes?

As we have grown into adulthood through our imperfect experiences, we have to allow ourselves to take a step back and recognize that everything we are today, our successes and failures are due to many ‘first pancake’ moments. Maybe even some second, third and fourth pancake moments as well!

We learn the most when we are adjusting the vision, acquiring new desires, allowing the space for us to make mistakes and fail also allows the space for our successes. So why the fear? What is the root of the desire to get it right the first time?

In our house, the children usually want to be involved in the cooking if they are around to do so. When we’re making pancakes or waffles even for breakfast, the first one is the one that we all share. It is the one that we split up and sample, it brings a conversation about what we think it needs, how we want to move forward, it creates space for communication and sharing our desires.

One of these times that we were making breakfast, I was watching Vivienne leading the effort and making the pancakes all on her own when it occurred to me that as far as children go, she is my first pancake. Which gave me a good laugh and at the same time realizing how serious parenting can be as well. We all want to get it right, we don’t want our children to suffer due to our ignorance but we also have to realize that it’s impossible for us to be the perfect parent especially at the beginning because we’ve never done it before.

It’s terrifying, the variables, the amount of things that could go wrong, the things that we don’t yet know and the mind does what it can to protect us from the unknowns that so often we never begin at all. When we don’t begin however, we also don’t learn, we choose stagnation over growth and the magic of possibility.

How many life experiences have we passed over, how many desires have we shoved into our subconscious because we were simply too afraid we wouldn’t get it right? Maybe that we weren’t good enough to even bother trying?


Whether you call it perfectionism or procrastination, all the same, my dear friend we have to get moving. The pancakes aren’t going to make themselves and there is an appetite in the world for the passion you have to offer. That expectation, that belief that it has to be perfect on the first try or the thoughts that say that you don’t have what it takes aren’t real. You know what it takes to create?

Your will.

Your desire.

Your passion.

Your creative expression.

Your love.

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about being a parent, a partner, a friend, an entrepreneur or simply a happy human. You wanting to begin is enough, everything you’ll need to know, all of your ingredients and the right people will show up because of your vibration.

Today, I invite you create that first of many pancakes. Even if it is only the act of allowing yourself to write it all down, even if it is simply allowing yourself to feel the feeling. There is no effort that is insignificant.
