The Mother Wound

I’m going to go ahead and put a warning here that this may be a tender subject for some and maybe not at all for others. Much of what is written here is based on my own experience and how I have mothered myself in order to become the mother I deserve and therefore the mother my children deserve.

I want to begin my saying Happy Mothers Day to each of you. It is absolutely a happy day, I am grateful to be alive, I am healthy and quite possibly happier every day, more than I could have imagined. But I also know that this day can be difficult for many.

I have held a healing practice for nearly three years now and interestingly but not by coincidence it began from my desire to heal my own emotions. Although I consider myself having done a lot of work and transcended many of my life lessons “successfully” it is the emotional wounds that I believe to be a point of attraction for most of my clients.

Today we’ll be discussing the mother wound. Which even now, still brings up tears to my eyes, I feel the tension in my heart and the squeak to my throat.

It’s been a beautiful, peaceful and quiet rainy day in Tennessee. It is almost as if the Earth herself has set the vibe for healing and release of this wound that so many carry.

In my healing practice, I can’t tell you (literally) how many clients I’ve had share their stories of the pain they carry in their hearts from their mothers. It’s common, it’s heavy and in our time I believe we each rise to transmute that pain into some of the greatest love we’ve ever known. A love that is safe, truly unconditional and like coming home.

As with all of our healing, the only way out is through. I have found that when it comes to our mothers the very things we don’t want to say and the pain we try to hide from is what could guide us to our freedom. This wound is wrapped up in the illusions of appearances, hiding truth out of fear of hurting someone else and all it does is keep us locked in these past moments unable to mature, evolve into the versions of ourselves we deserve to be.

This wound is capable of affecting every single chakra which in my (non-medical but) intuitive opinion is a huge root to uncover and heal when it comes to depression and insecurity with the inability to exist or feel safe to do so as our true selves in this realm.

I used to believe that when it came to the healing of my mental health this was mostly to do with the masculine, the ways in which men have hurt us and while that is true in itself as it relates to mental health, healing the mother wound has everything to do with emotional healing. Healing emotionally is working with the body and the intuition alike but as many of us know the body can be programmed and so re-programming the body to trust something other than what it was originally programmed to do can be a challenge. It is through that challenge however that we begin to see our mothers in such a raw way that is both healing and empathetic but also so dark.


They say that we have to forgive and yes, that is certainly a big portion of the healing but before the forgiveness and after the depression comes the anger, the frustration and rage at how a human being could betray and abandon their child whether that be emotionally or physically.

We have to allow ourselves to feel all of those feelings to if we are to know what is within our DNA, the qualities of the feminine within you if you are to know how to heal her and allow her to rise.

The forgiveness comes when we begin to understand that not everyone will believe themselves capable of healing, some may not be able to transcend their lessons in this lifetime and the torch has been passed on to you, the question then becomes will you pass that pain onto the generations being born from you?

This is a heavy topic my friends, one that we could not possibly cover in one blog post so we will leave it here so give ourselves space to breathe, feel into our own feminine qualities and we can approach this again next week.

Friend, I love you so much. Maybe you don’t believe this yet but you love yourself so much too and if you have been called to read this today then I believe you capable of walking through this healing as well. You are worthy of this grand love.

Should you need a friend to walk with you through this wound, I am available for soul coaching and reiki in person or virtual, please send me an email at and we can coordinate for a 1:1 session.

Please be sure to be drinking plenty of water, eat a meal that is appealing to your eyeballs and when you look at yourself in the mirror tonight during your skincare routine be sure to see a beautiful soul who is doing their very best.



