Living the Romance Novel

How many times have you danced around what you envision for your life without ever allowing yourself to touch it, let alone embody it?

It’s a question that could easily pull you either into the past or cause you to begin to project into the future what life could’ve been like or should be like. However, if we’ve learned anything it is that the only thing that exists is the right NOW. Which is fantastic news especially when at times I still find myself feeling like at 34 I should’ve had things figured out by now. There hasn’t been a title or role that has felt like a good fit for me and as I see it that’s a great thing because more and more I see that I’ve never been searching for a role to fill but rather a FEELING.

Circling back around, we have to start letting ourselves have the life we want. I think especially for our millennial generation we have shouldered so much of our parents shadow that we came into our adulthood knowing that we were on our own for the most part and more than likely also expecting there to be struggle. That struggle obviously varies several degrees depending upon many factors whether that be poverty, trauma or the beliefs that we’ve grown up with. I feel that we would really be doing ourselves a disservice to accept that as our lives, preventing us from self-healing but even more so suppressing the dreams that we still have left within us that deserve to be lived.

The thing is, the world is kind of a big ass mess at the moment. As human beings we have quite a journey ahead of us not only as individuals but as a collective. While it’s easy for us to feel so overwhelmed by this and want to distract ourselves or else be crushed by anger and frustration I do wholeheartedly believe that we are a significant part of this web. We’re not going to change anything until we start acknowledging what it is that blocks us from fully immersing ourselves in our own lives.

It all comes down to fear.

And maybe we should be creating more space to have these honest and incredibly vulnerable conversations about the fears we feel day in and day out that for the most part are nothing more than beliefs about who we are or what we’re capable of.

Personally, I’m not interested in living in a drama, or a tragedy anymore. I’ve gone down those paths before, experienced those story lines where I get to be the victim, the heartbroken woman crying over a man and the child who felt like her parents didn’t see her. I’ve done and will continue to do the healing work and in doing so I’ve managed to create such a quiet, peaceful life. I get to live a life that I feel really good about, I raise my children, I do my best to expand myself and I go to bed feeling good about all of it.

But my dreams, they don’t stop, they bring me these incredible messages, guides and extraordinary visions of what I could create for myself in my waking state. I am sure that many of you reading this today will resonate with that as I have spoken to many clients that also know there is something they haven’t quite put their finger on yet but a calling that excites them and terrifies them.

If life is a journey and not a destination then that calling in itself shouldn’t cause stress but it is certainly a journey that is worth embarking upon to allow ourselves to choose to take that journey considering all of life experience and everything have learned to be true about ourselves and believing that journey to be well worth the leap. And if all we have is right now then I would like to close this post with an invitation for you to begin designing your life according to the story that you want to tell, not the one you were born into, not what society has said and not based on any beliefs other than your own. What would that feel like? What would you allow yourself to dream possible for yourself?


1 Comment

  1. Kellyhope Murphy
    February 14, 2021 / 6:57 pm

    “But my dreams, they don’t stop, they bring me these incredible messages, guides and extraordinary visions of what I could create for myself in my waking state.”

    I felt this on such a level. Definitely one to put in my journal.
    You are so right though, it’s scary to admit and it’s scary to open myself up to even admitting you are right – but that’s step one.