No One

I began this week by proposing a theme or a new belief to my followers through my Instagram stories. I said “what if we took this belief that “no one cares” and flipped it to “no one cares!”.”

How could this liberate us from the weight of feeling like who we are and what we do is seemingly insignificant and turning it into a freedom to be and release our creativity without any judgment?

Quite a few said they were in and yet by the end of the week…*crickets.* Which tells me a few things, as a community we need support from the conception of a new belief, in the follow through and in its full realization.

It also begs the question, why is it easier to slump into a pit, into the belief that we are insignificant in our pain, sadness or hopes and dreams than it is to believe that we are cared about and who we are at our core matters and is of great value?

When we talk about the biggest work being internal, this is what we’re talking about.

It’s recognizing that “hey, I’ve been in a long standing pattern of giving up on myself, doubting or failing to believe in myself and its challenging to pull myself out of that pattern.”

That little moment of recognition is what I like to call “the spark,” it is the space in which a miracle is born or where your divinity awakens and says “its time to shine!”

Everything that follows that spark is what is referred to as “the work.”

And that is awakening my friends, we RISE from this illusion, these cycles that keep us in a slump and we begin to put into practice new beliefs, new habits and a new perspective for our lives.

You know what they say PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT, well I had a P.E. teacher in junior high that say its actually “PERFECT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT” meaning that its not enough to say you’re trying, you have to do your best.

You have to wake up every day with a heart full of appreciation for the art of living and decide that you are going to make your life a fucking masterpiece.

Maybe you’re living a life where you don’t feel inspired to wake up with that kind of energy, accept it. That may be the hardest step because, it also brings us face to face with all of the ways in which we deceive ourselves to believe that we happy when inside we feel unfulfilled, uninspired and BORED.

As with all things, I believe that very place to be one of the most fertile when it comes to manifesting, growing and developing ourselves.

If you have followed me for any amount of time you might know that my story was one of depression, anxiety, PTSD and suicide attempts. If I met who I am now back then, I wouldn’t recognize myself. And yet, here I am.

I don’t believe there is any transformation that to be impossible. I believe we all have our own unique energetic signatures and there is always a way to get through to ourselves and create the life we dream of into reality. Again, that transformation begins within.

It is the kind of work that no one is going to care or maybe even know that you are doing, and it must be done anyway because your life depends on it.

So let’s do a self-assessment. We know the kind of internal work that needs to be done is going to require more than an aesthetic morning routine and journaling. Changing our frame of mind and behaviors is deeper than what we see its in the WHY.

I will leave you this week with a homework assignment friends, if you’re serious about giving a shit about the masterpiece of your life and aren’t willing to continue to let the past make a mess of your canvas.

Get clear about WHY deserve to live your dream life and from there let’s work backwards. This is one of the techniques I use in my soul coaching practice. WHAT does your dream life look like? HOW do you feel existing in it?

Then backtrack from there. If you’re someone who considers themselves to be an over-thinker or critical of oneself then let that serve as a net that will catch all of the thoughts, memories and beliefs that do NOT align with the above mentioned vision for your life. Thoughts are constantly flowing in like a little conveyor belt, sort out the ones that don’t serve this higher purpose for your life.

How did this thought get here? Is this my voice? If it was not sent from a source of unconditional love then into the fire they go.

Again my friends, this is the kind of work that you have to want to do for yourself.

It is my hope that in developing a practice such as this that you will keep rising each day to see how lovely you are.

That is all for today. If you’re in for this call to action then by all means please reach out if I can be of service to you. Send an email or a DM and if you need some help getting into some deep roots I have availability for 1:1 Soul Coaching.

Keep choosing your integrity!
