My Name Is: Diana La Diosa

“Find something that makes you really happy and do that.”

Diana La Diosa was born from my spiritual awakening, “La Diosa” means The Goddess in spanish and its the name I chose for myself. I came to the realization that in my life there were many times I had found myself co-dependant and attempting to bring value to myself based on taking the last name of my husband. From my initials DLD I created a new name for myself, one that I felt reflected my true self. Free of attachments to my family, my partner or his lineage I chose a name that was just…me.

As I write this introductory post I find myself in my 33rd trip around the sun, a Virgo sun and Leo moon. I was born in a small town of Brawley, Ca and my mother named me Diana, after the Princess of Wales. I come from ancestors that are Yaqui, Aztec and Mestizo as a result of Spanish colonization, from parts of Mexico like Sonora and Baja California all the way down to Zacatecas. I am a first generation American, or what we refer to as a Chicana.

Much of who I am is a reflection of my ancestors, their work, dedication but also their pain and trauma. I, like many of you have been affected by the pain that comes from sexual assault, physical, mental and emotional abuse and the programming we face in this world. One thing that I am grateful for is that that pain also instilled in me a deep rooted sense of persistence and a natural ability to adapt to life.

There was a time in my life where the experiences of life brought me an immense amount of suffering every day. It was that very suffering that led me back home to myself and I began anew. Diana La Diosa has become this life force that I choose to embody everyday because I have come to realize that the same experiences that once brought me so much pain could also give me purpose and could be the fuel I use to get up each day and choose a better life for myself, my family and every single human I come into contact with.

First Birthday 1987

I have created this space as an outlet for my writing and for me to share my life with others. Each person’s journey is unique to them and while most of what is written about here will be my experience, it is my sincere hope that it will serve as a guiding light for you to remember that at any given moment you are free to choose. Choose and choose again until the day arrives where you know without a doubt that you are who you were meant to be.

The journey will change and with every courageous intention we will continue to remember powerful aspects of ourselves. Our life develops and expands in these beautiful collections of moments with the people we choose to share our lives with. This blog is a collection of those moments in my journey, I will call on them to teach and also to learn.

At this time in my life I have found my purpose in resting, enjoying life with my family and when I am called to do so it brings me joy to be of service to others. I am a healer. This passion manifests differently day to day, whether the purpose is in being present with my young children, opening myself up to another layer in my own healing or in my healing practice with my clients.

I am an intuitive empath and my healing practice incorporates Mexican folk medicine with energy healing through “laying on of hands.” I am also a certified Soul Coach, meaning that I am not a therapist but a mentor on your spiritual journey and will be the torchbearer for you as you work to remove false beliefs and replace old programming to reveal the truest version of yourself. This practice comes from my heart and I have known more peace in these last few years than I ever thought possible which is something I hope to share with each client.

That’s a little bit about me. What is to come is an expression of how I invite my soul to lead me through the every day as Diana. I hope that this will shed light on what it really looks like when do our best to live a multi-dimensional yet heart-centered life, raise free humans, manifest dreams, growing a connection with ones true self, strengthen a marriage, check off all of the daily to-do’s and still try to get in bed by 9pm because my inner child has a bedtime.

Thank you for being on this journey, ponte las pilas mija we have a beautiful life to enjoy!