Going Green

As you may have noticed, this June is encompassed by the color green. A color representing the heart chakra, nature and in my perception the Divine Mother.

Maybe it has a bit to do with the fact that we’re now in Mercury retrograde but the shift into this energy has been undeniable. Where blue helped to clarify my vision, green is currently cleaning house within my heart ie. I feel exhausted and the desire to want to cry has been subtly underlying the days this week.

Since the beginning of the year I have been implementing each color of the month in my wardrobe but also in the foods I eat and crystals I carry as a means to apply what I suppose you could call “color therapy” into my healing practice.

Doing this has allowed me to place my focus on the creative aspects, attuning my vision to what I want to see and allowing the color and energy to do the work in guiding me.

Here is what I have discovered this week thus far:

My heart is still very much that chatty little girl with a lot of questions, friendly, warm and with such a blend of green and gold that neon has felt the most appropriate to express this visually. If I had to put it into one word I would say vibrant. Now that I am allowing myself the quiet reflection to acknowledge this I very much understand the underlying emotion this week because I am remembering.

Green feels like home. It is like going into the woods and being surrounded by the trees, wind blowing through them and its the kind of quiet your mind cannot help but surrender to.

The timing of it as always is perfect, we’re now on the brink of summer but with plenty of rain coming in as if nature herself is showing my what is taking place within me. I won’t deny I tend to be more of an “indoorsy” kind of gal but when everything begins to turn green and the days are sunny it is like a magnet.

This magnet also feels like it is pulling at my heart, removing the “impurities” that are now ready to be cleansed in order to shine a little brighter, a little truer.

So this is where I’m at friends. Doing my best, trying new things, staying consistent with the practices I already know work for me and getting my feet into the grass daily.

If green means go, then this is a month that I go into trusting the clarity and intuition I gained the month prior. I want that chatty little girl with a heart of gold to lead me.

I hope you’ll enjoy some of the outfits I had fun putting together this week and most of all I hope you’ll be inspired to incorporate green into your life intentionally and see what comes up for you!



