Executive Energy


I would like to not be using any of my energy to be writing this blog post. This feeling is two-fold as it both reflects my belief that no man has the right or God given authority to rule other human beings in the way that has been done through colonization but it also shows my privilege when I want to remain silent about the upcoming election.

Now, before you roll your eyes, I want to say that I am not here to tell you to vote, I’m not going to try to sway you on who to vote for either because to be frank, we’ve heard about everything we need to hear and our minds are pretty much set. It is not my intention here to manipulate your will or even judge.

What I would like to use this post for however, is to get you in touch with the quality of the energy you are feeling as we are but weeks away from the Presidential Election.

Its not difficult to see or feel that the overall energy for nearly the entirety of 2020 has been emotionally charged, beginning with us feeling so sure of ourselves at the New Year to quickly and unexpectedly slipping into quarantine and experiencing the unveiling of what BIPOC communities have felt to be present for generations. This is mentally, emotionally and physically draining as we have gone from being forced to face ourselves to witnessing the collective energy and all of that tension and shadow energy is preparing to come to a head this November.

I must ask the question, what about this choice gives us either a sense of validation or a focus for our anger?

I believe that by this point we have come to recognize that the President can act as the ultimate influencer for the American people but why do we continue to allow ourselves to be influenced by someone who could never truly be in touch with our lives, our communities and even our values?

As BIPOC, has any President ever truly changed anything about our daily lives that could help foster environments or communities in which we can feel safe to heal and evolve past the traumas and woundings of the generations before us. Ancestors who endured slavery, rape, genocide, had their lands stolen and spiritual beliefs made illegal to practice?

What kind of energy has this election in particular caused to rise within for us to be aware of?

If we can redirect our focus to allow ourselves to feel everything that has been unspoken, shunned and cast into the shadow about how our country has gotten to this space then perhaps we can respond with awareness rather than react to whoever is presented to us as President come November 3rd.

I’m not asking that for lesser of two evils, I’m not asking that we “agree to disagree,” I’m asking myself and my community to rise above our perceived options and choose prepare ourselves and plan our response.

I choose to change and I choose my truth.

We speak so often of manifesting, magic and using our power for good, this doesn’t have to be much different. It is an awareness that in truth, this election does not have to force us into submission and make us renounce our power but instead should empower us to walk in our truth.

I am calling on us to prepare ourselves to meet the emotional energy that will peak in the coming weeks and for us to set ourselves up as best as we possibly can. To get to this space we have already come to the understanding that this two party system was not designed with our best interest to begin with and with that awareness we have to begin to choose something different for ourselves and put that choice into action in our daily lives.

One thing that I have grounded into this year more than ever, has been the understanding that no one can help us if we do not help ourselves. We now have tools that our ancestors never had access to and if we want to show the people we love and the generations to come that we love them, then we have to begin to take action without waiting for a savior outside of us or a perceived authority on morals and leadership to show us the way.

It’s already here, we have everything we need to link together.

I’m sure fellow millennials can remember what the country was like at the time of 9/11, it was very much like it is now. Rampant racism disguised at patriotism and at the same time we cared more than ever about our neighbors.

We don’t have to wait for tragedy to strike again for us to begin to say, “united we stand, divided we fall.” We have to be able to put that belief into action, everyday take that power back and embody it if we truly care about the people in our communities.

With that in mind, now is the time to be reinforcing your boundaries, getting very clear about what your safety feels like and the kind of energy you will be inviting to surround yourself with. It’s recognizing your triggers and what causes you to react rather than respond, that is not about avoiding triggers but learning from them so they become points of awareness and reminders of your truth.

The next weeks are asking for more than the usual tools you go to for self-care, this is now asking you to go further and develop practices that reinforce protection, strength and above all your courage.

If you take nothing else from this post, I want you to remember this: you are the President of your own life. You are the Executive decision, even bigger than that you are the Creator of your reality and as such you get to decide how you will handle your energy and how you will share it with the world. Ask yourself if you are only capable of operating within the limits that a President outside of yourself sets? Is that enough to stop you from advocating for all the things you are passionate about.

Can this election be a welcome trigger that causes you to rise into your own executive power? If so, what can you do right now to nourish yourself as journey toward that power?



