Autumn JOY

How many blog posts can be written about the appreciation for Fall? The limit does not exist.

Something I have recently come to notice about myself through practicing awareness is that too often I spend my energy judging myself. I am learning to find a middle ground and re-assessing my boundaries where I once was confusing discernment for judgement and the divine timing of this Fall season with this remembered peace is more than welcome.

I think it’s really easy for us to look at others or even ourselves and judge the way money, time and energy are spent, especially during these times where so much about our society is coming to light. I believe that it always comes back to excess, overindulgence and again a lack of balance.

The thing is that we are multi-dimensional beings and we don’t need anyone else’s permission to explore what balance means to us. When I first began my spiritual path I found myself wanting to reject everything about the society I lived in and that included all of the holiday traditions like dressing up for Halloween, decorating for Fall and even allowing there to be a Christmas tree in the house. I have found a substantial amount of knowledge in researching the symbolism in the traditions we uphold and I had to recognize that when I chose to let go of all of those practices I was moving from a space of fear rather than my seat of power.


As the wheel has come back around and I am revisiting the Fall season and the alluring beauty and experience of it all, I am choosing take action from a space in which I remember that I am in the world but not of it.

It all in how we choose to express ourselves, the energy which we choose to put behind our actions.

I have decided that with this turn of the wheel I want to put a loving, warm energy behind all of my actions. I enjoy fall and all of the activities that come with it from the pumpkin patch, to the costumes and everything in between.

What good does it do me to try and pretend that it doesn’t light me up? Partaking in these activities or decorations doesn’t make me any less conscious, in fact I exercise more consciousness as I am intentionally choosing activities for myself and each of my children, I am more aware of the friends that we’d like to connect with, the meals I prepare to nourish us as the weather changes and above all I lean into JOY.

One of the powers I have found within our Millennial generation is that we are great at asking questions and putting our energy to action. However, we do tend to try and carry the weight, responsibility and judgement of our parents generation and to be quite honest its too much to hold. We can be conscious humans, neighbors and parents, we can be activists and healers while still enjoying things in the world without the fear that we aren’t doing enough or that we ourselves are not enough. There has to be space for us to be in a state of joy and we have to claim it even when it looks like there is no joy to be had without a sense of guilt.


This week I took my children for our first visit to Cheekwood Botanic Gardens to enjoy the pumpkin houses and do some exploring with a friend who has children about the same age. It felt like a perfect balance between the world and spirit, my friend and I were able to connect while our children made their own connections and we left with a stroller full of the most beautiful pumpkins.

It is only the beginning of Fall and I’m happy to say that I am here for it, open and willing to find the joy in this season.
