Releasing Summer

“You can’t start the next chapter of your life by re-reading the last one.” -Michael McMillian


A life lesson for me has been in not rushing from one stage of life to the next and curiously enough a lesson that had come along with it has been learning to be present in the now and recognize when it’s time to let go and continue living.

Perhaps, that is something that is learned through trauma, heartaches and disappointments. We get used to living life with part of our energy stuck in the past, too afraid to move forward and another part of us needing desperately to move on and feel good again.

In doing so, we create a state of being in which we are really at a standstill repeating cycle after cycle instead of recognizing the lessons, healing, integrating and allowing ourselves to grieve as we close the chapter.

If we can be brave enough to commit to ourselves, I believe that leaving things, people, or practices behind doesn’t have to carry an emotional charge and instead can be something that we will simply recognize as a necessary part of life. Instead of clinging on to what no longer inspires life or growth and remaining stagnant, we can let go with ease and embrace the unknown with just as much love, trusting that what comes next will bring new growth, joy and lessons.

With the New Moon in Virgo today and summer coming to a close next week, I felt inspired to pull a small spread for the collective who may also be feeling a lot of emotions as it relates to allowing a chapter to close in order to write a new one.

From left to right the cards are past, present and future, the eight of swords in reverse, Strength and the nine of chalices.

The message coming through is this:

Right now, you may be feeling “out of sorts,” out of balance and frankly, like you’re in the dark and unsure of which direction to take. However, this instability is here for you to quit delaying your progress and in the middle of this space where you find yourself feeling upside down you will continue to be triggered until you remember to tap into your inner Strength and power.

So ask yourself, do I want to continue to learn through avoidance and triggers or do I CHOOSE to learn by courage, my ability to ACT and WILL power?

Try that on, how do you feel and carry yourself when you are sincere with your abilities and energy? With everything you have learned about yourself this far, what do you need to do to get yourself into a safe mind space where you aren’t avoiding or overthinking, just aware?

We starve ourselves of the energy we need to be in balance when we continue to teeter totter between extremes instead of taking the lead, committing and making small but consistent steps toward a healthy life. Most often, it is that we have gotten used to living one storm to the next that our nervous systems are conditioned to anticipate chaos and this wipes us out before we have done much of anything. One aspect of this is because energy is stored in past-experiences that have not been healed yet and another aspect being that we BELIEVE that we deserved what happened to us and that is what continues to create these cycles where we feel that life is unfair, we feel we are lacking and plainly don’t have the energy to carry out what we truly desire. We see this manifested as procrastination, over or under eating, abusing substances that give us a high only to crash and staying in relationships that keep us yo-yoing with emotional ups and downs. We unknowingly allow ourselves to become insecure, co-dependant and unreliable because we don’t observe any of our strengths.

What must be done? In order to advance and reach a shore where you will not only feel but also see your emotional happiness, is to set sail through the emotional sea to find it and do so without fear. Which of course is easier said than done. There are years and years worth of repressed emotions, fears and deeply ingrained beliefs but if you can remember that you are not only the Captain of the ship but also the ship and the entire ocean, the next chapter can be written with ease rather than a charge of anxiety and waves of uncertainty.

If you must look back on the chapters that have been written thus far let it be to memorize each of the moments in which you have conjured up the strength to start a new beginning even when you thought you couldn’t go any further. When you feel that you have induced that feeling of strength and risen it up into your heart space surrender to yourself with every bit of trust that you have recollected and set sail.

We cannot change anything that has happened in the past, however, in this moment you most certainly can change the way you feel and all that is required to make it to where you desire to be is a spark. That is doable, that is something that doesn’t cost anything other than your intention and that spark can be lit in this very moment. When you can light a spark right now, then you can do it again, and again and from there you will have created a pattern from nothing but a spark, a desire, a belief, a CALLING.

My love to all of you whom have endured some monumental life changes throughout this summer and all of 2020 thus far. I believe in your ability, in your will and I look forward to meeting you on the shore or in the seas.
