A Family History

Hi friends! I am so happy to get back to writing now that we’re (mostly) moved into the new house! I am currently sitting in my driveway while my youngest naps and the two older children are re-discovering their toys in the playroom. I will gladly get to the fun sharing of the new home but I want to share a bit of the journey I have experienced thus far and the correlation between working with ancestors, clearing the DNA and how that shifts through our actions and manifestations. It’s been an energy that has been coming through clearly and I am grateful to have the awareness to make new choices for myself and the generations that will come after me. The timing of all of the lessons no doubt line up with being just days away from Dia De Los Muertos and my ancestors are just as loud as I am so they weren’t going to let me miss what I needed to learn in this transition.

We often talk about the lighter side of working with our ancestors, but clearing our DNA is not just about raising ourselves up from poverty or limitations. Although, those are often themes we will work through we also have to heal the parts of our lineage that no one wants to openly address from family gatherings to the inner work.

I’ve mentioned before that within my own family I have witnessed a lot of colorism, racism, homophobia, fat phobia and so on. These perspectives and beliefs still exist within us until we go through to do the clearing work. We grow up in familial environments that normalize these racial slurs, judgements and perspectives, as children we don’t have the ability to separate ourselves from those beliefs because they are intertwined with our upbringing.

Often times, the perspectives our family imposes upon us was imposed upon them and this is where we develop generational karma, curses etc. It gets pretty deep when we consider that we can be groomed to have certain preferences, our family, our ancestors have had the power to condition us according to their liking until we recognize that as adults we can choose to break with the old and put something in place that is true to ourselves.

Ultimately when we work to change and put in place new beliefs, what our family has to say will become irrelevant because eventually they will die and their outdated beliefs will go with them.

That sounds a bit morbid but hear me out. We all have at some point or another been connected to a family member or a few that act like its their mission to get you to follow in their footsteps or try to live your life the way they wish they could have lived theirs. You get to choose 1) if you’re going to let them get to you, thereby stealing your energy and joy and 2) if you will succumb to their limited perspective or claim your own. This is the beauty of our evolution is that with each generation we can either program them to obey or we can give them autonomy over their lives.

While working with our ancestors is reclaiming parts of us that hold a lot of power and pride, it is also going to be a lot of work in recognizing the ways in which our ancestors have tried to hold power over how the lineage would unfold. When going through this journey, the untangling of roots can get messy and there will come times when you don’t feel proud, you’ll recognize patterns that have passed on and are difficult to cleanse out.

Ultimately, what it comes down to is making a choice, taking a risk and trusting in the reward even when it feels uncertain and there may not be anyone to support you. When you choose to break away from the ancestral programming that has been in place, most often you’ll feel like the “black sheep,” I’d like to go further, take that term and remember that we are not at all sheep. We are lions, and with each pattern that you recognize and decide to take the energy present in your DNA and transform it into something new, you are the top of the food chain.

Victim mentality, submissiveness, fear, unworthiness, racist perspectives, limiting beliefs, those can all end with you. When you acknowledge the design of your DNA, accept where you have come from and break the cycles all of that energy that has been passed down to you through trauma, colonization, fear for survival, is no longer what keeps you small and in place. The energy passed on to you becomes your inheritance, use it wisely, invest in yourself and have a vision that can impact the generations with true freedom.

In my personal experience, I have accepted that the first born child on the maternal side carries a specific responsibility for the safety and security of the lineage. A female who is expected to achieve something with her life, pass on her core family essence and is responsible not only for her own household but also to look after the younger siblings. I have felt this weight more than ever as we transitioned into this new home, a house that is much bigger than anything anyone before me has manifested, its an enormous weight to carry and I have chosen to go ahead and set that down.

When I say that ancestral work is heavy, I mean it. It’s heavy in the ways that bring up feelings of isolation and guilt for choosing differently. When you begin to understand why your ancestors lived the way they did and the quality of the energy underneath their actions you will also recognize love. No matter what things appear to be on the surface calling on your ancestors who have long since passed will cover you in protection and peace you will need to keep going. Remembering that your family may not have the awareness to recognize their own programming and also remembering that you don’t have to hand over your life to uphold traditions, beliefs or values that are not your own will free you from being held down to the way things have been.

Navigating a new path, a new direction, a new perspective is your inheritance.
